Dub, Detroit,Psychedelic,Breakbeats,Tribal,Jazz,Soul,Classic,Ambient等の様々な要 素が 複雑に絡み合う独自の音楽表現を核とする東京在住のProducer。2008年、衝動的に音楽制作を開始し、その半年後にはドイツより自身初のEPをリリース。その後は、国内外のレーベルから良質なリリースを不定期に重ねている。2011年にはファーストアルバムをPulsharが主催するバルセロナのAvantroots Recordsよりリリースする。
Maybe the first time you will listen to Hirotaka Miyamoto you will have a sort of flashback of that feeling you had the first time you heard Jean Michel Jarre or Vangelis sounds. Why? Because suddenly your brain freezes in search of a tag or description and you just cant find it. “Circles” is the first full lenght album for Avantroots this Japanese musician launches, composing in the same way those pioneers did back at the time…With devotion as the entrance, constance as the main course and risk for dessert just like high culinary art in a degustation menu:It starts tickling gently yours ears with Fake Meltdown all the way until Ivory, to kick like a sleep twitch with Soulwind. But it doesnt finish here, since this last one hands it over to the sounds of Neo Terra which helps us with our daydreaming and keeps going until the end like ‘instruments invented.Knowing that Electronic music is something big, “Circles” should be heard without hesitation, just as its creator intended. This is not an album to put as a background, it is an experience that requires one hour of contemplation in order to delight in every bite. It is the work of someone who trains alone… A different one. Hirotaka only sounds like Hirotaka.
01. Fake Meltdown
02. Twilight Zone
03. Promenade Of The Autumn Night
04. Desire
05. Ivory
06. Soulwind
07. Neo Terra
08. Sun Glider
09. Interplay
10. Lake Side On The Moon
320kbps, 122 mb
mir.cr /0OLPZPQ1
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